Plumbing complete

Posted Wed, 11/04/2009 - 23:09 by kpbadger

Today it was the plumbers' turn, and all of our faucets, toilets, and showerheads were installed. Please read the Water Conservation page for more information on our selections (low-flow faucets and dual flush toilets).

Here are the pictures of the fixtures.

Powder room:

Master bathroom:


Laundry room:

Hallway bathroom:


One thing I found interesting (and helpful) was that Dave Jones Plumbing labeled all of the shut-off valves. In addition to having their name and number all over the place for future service, this could be very helpful for folks who don't want to trace the pipes.  Here's an example tag.

The two missing pieces of kitchen counter backsplash were put in place and also the gas cooktop, garbage disposal, and dishwasher were installed.